Sunday, January 20, 2013


This month is a month of anniversaries. Many people think that when you talk about anniversaries, they have to be good things, but I tend to believe that even deaths, losses, diagnosis, all those things are anniversaries. Life is short. Life is meant to teach us lessons that we have to be willing to learn.  This morning's devotional was about the man who is at the pool  complaining because nobody was willing to pick him up and put them into the pool when it was stirred, but Jesus sternly tells him to take up his mat and walk. I think that's the hard part about all of the things that happen to us.  I don't think that picking up our mat is a one time occurrence I think that we revisit that in many ways as we mature on this journey called life. We have to just pick up our issues and wounds; especially during those anniversaries and find our way to do better.  I think we have to just live life; we have to learn to over come and learn from the past.  I strongly believe that we don't have to be victims to whatever has occurred in our narrative..  I can overcome and take the invitation that Christ has made us.  For we have this treasure in jars in clay and God is with us....

My life is a gift!  
So, is yours so enjoy it, one step at a time!